Dear Colleagues, 

As the Statutory Testing period for Primary Schools approaches, it's understandable that pupils, teachers, Head Teachers and parents may feel a certain level of stress and pressure. However, it's important to remember that these tests are just one small part of a child's overall education journey.
At Create Partnership, our aim is to provide pupils with a rich curriculum that encourages them to reach their full potential and become aspirational learners. This means that we place great emphasis on developing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with not just academic knowledge, but also the skills and qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives.

While testing can be useful in providing insights into a child's progress and identifying areas that may need additional support, it's crucial to remember that it's not the be-all and end-all. A child's success should not be defined solely by their test scores, but rather by their growth, development, and personal achievements. My own son 'failed' his SATs and is now at Sheffield University!

As pupils prepare for their SAT's, Times Tables Check, Phonics .... it's important to encourage them to do their best, but also to remind them that their worth is not determined by their test results. Teachers can provide support and guidance to help students feel confident and prepared, while parents can offer reassurance and encouragement.

At Create Partnership, we believe that education should be about more than just achieving good grades. We strive to create an environment that fosters a love of learning, encourages creativity and curiosity, and empowers students to become well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate individuals. So, let's approach this testing period with a positive attitude and remember that our ultimate goal is to help every child achieve their full potential.

Many Thanks 
Chris Dyson